
Vikas Bhalla's Biography

Vikas Bhalla's Biography
Feb 2023

Vikas Bhalla

Vikas Bhalla's Biography

Who is Vikas Bhalla?
Vikas Bhalla is a actor and anchor from mumbai, maharashtra, also known Vikas.
When is Vikas Bhalla's birthday?
Vikas Bhalla was born on 1972-10-24.
What is Vikas Bhalla's nationality?
Vikas Bhalla holds ındian citizenship.
What is Vikas Bhalla's zodiac sign?
Vikas Bhalla's zodiac sign is scorpio .
What is Vikas Bhalla's religion?
Vikas Bhalla practices the religion of hindu .
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What is Vikas Bhalla's physical appearance?

Hair color: black
Eyes color: black
What is Vikas Bhalla's education and career?
What is Vikas Bhalla's marital status is?
Vikas Bhalla is married.
Who's the wife of Vikas Bhalla?
Vikas Bhalla's wife is punita chopra .
Who is/are the daughter(s) of Vikas Bhalla?
Vikas Bhalla's daughter(s) is/are sanchi veer .
What are Vikas Bhalla's hobbies?
Vikas Bhalla's hobbies include music practicing and workout .
Where can I find Vikas Bhalla on social media?
Vikas Bhalla can be found on social media at
