
Black Moon Lilith's Transit of Pisces

Black Moon Lilith's Transit of Pisces

Black Moon Lilith enters Pisces. The dark woman becomes even more difficult to pin down in this watery, transcendent sign.
For those of you not familiar with BML, she is named after Adam's first wife who was exiled from the Garden because she refused to submit to him. She is female, sexual energy that is taboo and rebellious - she is the outsider, the prostitute, the witch, the demon and the other woman. She reminds us that there is a price for stepping outside the lines - she's powerful but exiled.
While she's in Pisces, watch for tricky situations where the lines are blurred. She carries the rage of being rejected, but nothing is overt in Pisces. So you may be encouraged to deceptively take revenge or become embroiled in a situation that undermines you. Lilith in Pisces can become immersed in the illusion - the addiction to what's unavailable, the use of sexual energy that seems empowering but is actually diminishing. She can become the victim.
Yes, she's about female empowerment. But she has a dark side and to deny this is to ignore who she really is. If you deny her anger and desire for vengeance, you make yourself vulnerable to her distorted energy. This can be just as destructive as using her rage to hurt others. Like a wild animal, she should always be treated with cautious respect - you can't domesticate her.
The highest expression of BML in Pisces would be to transcend the anger and forget about those who don't accept you. Tap into this sign's limitlessness and consider how Lilith's positive energy (her independence, her symbolism of all that's socially unacceptable but crucial) can be expanded in positive ways. Rise above the rules, forgive those who have wronged you and forgive yourself if you're hanging onto feelings of guilt or failure for not conforming to the stereotypes of wife/mother/good girl.
This transit can also be excellent for getting to know her better, if you want - she's moving through the Pisces area of your chart where there are no boundaries. All you have to do is let her in.
Black Moon Lilith will exit Pisces for Aries on Jan 27th, 2020.
